In today’s global economy, no country represents a bigger opportunity than China. As the world’s largest exporter and second-largest importer, China is modernizing rapidly. It’s home to 1.3 billion people with many cities of over 5 million that you probably haven’t heard of. While it’s known that many large corporations have done well in China, a lesser known fact is that many small- to medium-sized American enterprises are active there as well.
Larger than the United States, China is a vast country with an endless amount of product development opportunities. Each region has its own manufacturing hubs that specialize in a certain type of manufacturing. If your business is considering going the China route, it’s a good idea to become familiar with its regional manufacturing landscape.

Manufacturing Map of China Infographic
Michelle Scheblein is China Business Analyst at BaySource Global. She has a B.A. in international business from the University of South Florida and has studied abroad, worked, and traveled throughout China between 2011-2014. She can be reached at
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